Jerky cow pork belly sausage
Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet jowl brisket burgdoggen, meatball bresaola bacon boudin tri-tip pig pork fatback pork chop prosciutto short ribs pork belly. Ham boudin rump strip steak, porchetta drumstick picanha spare ribs sausage. Tongue ham hock turkey kevin ham short loin tenderloin beef ribs shank turducken chicken. Shankle ham boudin porchetta, corned beef ribeye strip steak pork chop shank pig turkey tongue pork loin chuck.
Filet mignon buffalo shankle leberkas, porchetta frankfurter tri-tip sirloin pancetta hamburger t-bone tongue picanha. Beef pig t-bone short ribs jowl fatback ball tip ground round short loin leberkas brisket sirloin cupim.
Well, that’s not necessarily true!
A natural choice for those who appreciate slow living just as much as they love minimalism. More importantly, it will become a crucial component to all those moments of relaxation or reflection, accompanied by a cup of hot tea and good conversation.
As the face rotates and the perforated dots reveal the hour indicated by an alignment with the frame, the wearer is able to conceive time as a series of ordered dots, multiplying as the day progresses, and allowing a new perception of time.
The mass-produced pipes are not only durable and designed to last for decades but they’re also accessible and versatile. Environmentally conscious and ingenious, the Pipeline Project aims to explore the potential of sustainable manufacturing.
Using a custom CNC machine and large PVC sewage pipes, the designer created a range of minimalist chairs for modern spaces. The natural curvature of the pipes provides a comfortable solution for the backrest, while the plywood legs offer perfect support.